
鴿舍連絡人:黃慶勳   電話:0922-591037  03-8562.665




父鴿:“BE 16-3134443卡爾443號”

21 年巴塞羅那國家賽1052公里6913羽 25名
國際賽 16485羽110名
22年巴塞羅那國家賽1052公里6560羽 46名。
國際賽 16832羽113名
19年巴塞羅那國家賽1072公里7301羽 87名。
國際賽 15981羽251名

半平輩“159/14” 獲得:
基礎種鴿“卡爾” 直子

母鴿:“BE 21-3021403” “路曼斯雌” 直女

平輩“811/10” 之子代獲得:

艾立克.德普雷茲 (Eric Deprez) 鴿舍

聯絡:黃慶? 0922-591.037


Eric Deprez(艾立克.德普雷茲) from Gits has the best Barcelona racer of the past 4 years in his lofts 14 Mar 2023

We already visited here in the winter of 2017, Eric Deprez is the name. A name few may say until you have to play against it, his love for the extreme long distance has existed since the beginning of his career. This colony gradually grew and grew into one of the best Barcelona colonies out there. If you have 2 x the best pigeon from Barcelona in 5 years, during 4 and 5 years, you can count on an extremely strong basis. These 2 toppers have the same father "Karel I", which is what everything revolves around in this colony. He caught the bug through his father who mainly played speed, but that was not for him. So he soon knew that extreme long distance was going to be his dada, he started this in the 1980s and the pigeons that made the good weather then still do it without bringing in too many pigeons. The stock of the colony is now mainly built up with Noel Peiren, Georges Bolle, Leon Messiaen, Robert Heylen and then 2 toppers from the Netherlands ( Theo Ernest and Wijnands & Son ). View all the best racers of the past years and you will always find this strain of pigeons in the pedigree.

Base breeder “Karel I”BE 04-3209327 “Karel I”
He himself won 46 Nat Perpignan '06 6,765p – 107 Nat Perpignan '07 5,547p – 437 Nat Barcelona '07 12,612p
He was bred from the old stock couple “Karel” BE 01-3263953 x “Heylenduivin” BE 02-2329070 “Karel” was a Noel Peiren cock and the “Heylenduivin” comes from Robert Heylen and has Albert Bils, Emiel Materne and Hok Deprez in her pedigree.

His kids did great
BE 08-3036703 “Karel 703” 58 Nat Barcelona 10,542p
BE 10-3166338 “Karel 338” 1st Nat Ace Pigeon Primus Inter Pares Barcelona 2013-2017
BE 14-3015159 “Karel Barcelona” 4 Nat Barcelona 7,782p – 235 Nat Barcelona 7,438p
BE 16-3134443 “Karel 443” 1st Nat Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2019-2022
BE 16-3134415 “Karel 415” 76 Nat Barcelona 6,913p
A brother of “Karel I” is “Karel II”, he became father of “Pyreneeer” who won 8th National Barcelona 11,590p – 100 National Perpignan 5,613p

The high flyers of Barcelona introduced to you here.

BE 16-3134443 “Karel 443”
1 Nat Ace Barcelona 2019-2022
2 Int.Nat Ace Barcelona 2019-2022
3 Nat Ace Barcelona 2021-2022
25 NAT Barcelona '21 6.913p 1052km
110 INT.NAT 16.485p
46 NAT Barcelona '22 6.560p 1052km
113 INT.NAT 16.832p
87 NAT Barcelona '19 7.301p 1072km
251 INT.NAT 15.981p
585 NAT Barcelona '20 6.178p 1096km

1/2 brother from “BE 10-3166338” Karel 338
1 Nat Ace Primus Inter Pares Barcelona 2013-2017
Won 108 + 236 + 450 + 824 + 982 National Barcelona
? brother from “BE 14-3015159” Den Barcelona
Won 1 Prov Barcelona '17 1.377p ( 4 Nat 7.782p – 18 Int.Nat 17.026p )
Father 3209327/2004 Karel I
Base breeder
Won ao 46 Nat Perpignan '06 6.765p – 107 Nat Perpignan '07 5.547p – 437 Nat Barcelona '07 12.612p Gr.F. 3263953/2001 Karel Noel Peiren
  Son from “659/98” Son Kleine Karel x Sister Apollo Peiren x “045/97”
  Daughter Kleine Karel x Sister Apollo Peiren
Gr.M. 2329070/2002 Hen Robert Heylen
  Daughter from “335/00” Bils x Deprez x “404/00” Deprez x Bils x E Matterne
Mother NL 11-3062585 Daughter Giorgio – Wijnands & Son
Gr.F. NL 03-1550224 Giorgio – Wijnands & Son
  Son from “348/93” Ballerini x “635/97”
Gr.M. BE 07-3083081 Daughter Heintje – Luc & Hilde Sioen
  Daughter from “479/95” Heintje Leo Kouters

BE 16-3134415 “Karel 415” Cock
76 NAT Barcelona '21 6.913p 1052km
328 NAT Barcelona '20 6.178p 1096km

Full brother of the above famous “Karel 443”

Father 3209327/2004 Karel I
Base breeder
Won ao 46 Nat Perpignan '06 6.765p – 107 Nat Perpignan '07 5.547p – 437 Nat Barcelona '07 12.612p Gr.F. 3263953/2001 Karel Noel Peiren
  Son from “659/98” Son Kleine Karel x Sister Apollo Peiren x “045/97”
  Daughter Kleine Karel x Sister Apollo Peiren
Gr.M. 2329070/2002 Hen Robert Heylen
  Daughter from “335/00” Bils x Deprez x “404/00” Deprez x Bils x E Matterne
Mother NL 11-3062585 Daughter Giorgio – Wijnands & Son
Gr.F. NL 03-1550224 Giorgio – Wijnands & Son
  Son from “348/93” Ballerini x “635/97”
Gr.M. BE 07-3083081 Daughter Heintje – Luc & Hilde Sioen
  Daughter from “479/95” Heintje Leo Kouters


The breeding loft, which consists of 20 couples, takes care of all the youngsters here, which are coupled in the winter so that the youngsters can be trained well up to 300km. As yearlings they are only tested as widowers and they are coupled in April to brood for a few days. The exam as a yearling is Agen and Narbonne. This is not a light selection but a hard one, the pigeons I have can normally handle this and I have been doing it this way for years now.

As a 2-year-old they really have to work and most of them fly Perpignan, usually it is only as a 3-year-old that they go to Barcelona. I think this is better for their further career.

The racing pigeons raise another youngster after the season and then stay together with their partners until January or February. This with housing boxes that are half closed, but due to the moult, the lust for mating is gone and the pigeons are just quietly moulting. In the winter the pigeons don't really get much freedom because of problems with birds of prey, only the late youngsters come out regularly because they still have a lot to learn. In the season itself they usually train in the evening because they are fed well every day and therefore have a poor intake in the morning, so I prefer to let them train in the evening.

Eric uses classic widowhood as motivation, the hens are always shown to make it easier to catch the pigeons. Occasionally he only shows 4 or 5 hens instead of everything, but he keeps it as simple as possible. After the flight they can always stay together for a few hours, but usually the sexes are separated in the evening.

Food here consists of 2 standard mixtures from a local trader. Not the great luxury but just good food, I add extra corn of the best quality. During the season itself I use a sports mixture. On a medical level, I try to keep the pigeons tricho-free, for me the main culprit in terms of resistance when the pigeons get sick. In addition, I regularly check the pigeons myself and if the form is not present, they usually have coccidiosis here. I don't often go to a vet but follow my own eyes, the pigeons get ? flagyl 2 weeks before an important race and that's it.


Eddy Cardon - 1st National Champion Extreme Long Distance KBDB 2022 One of the best pigeons there is “Filou” which is 50% Eric Deprez strain and again we find the famous “Karel” strain in it. “Filou” won 54th National Agen 6,657p and 163rd National Narbonne 6,657p Another topper is “Black Thieu” who won 98th National St.Vincent 2,899p and is a grandson of “Pyreneeer” who is a son of “Karel 2”.

Another topper is “The One”, this clapper won 4th National St.Vincent 2.899p and is a grandson of “Dochter Pyreneeer” who is a son of “Karel 2”.

Meremans Stefaan - 5th National Ace Pigeon Extreme Long Distance KBDB 2022

Hok Deprez also owns this topper via Gerdy Van Overwaele. He won5th National Perpignan 3,766p and 34th National St.Vincent 2,899p.

Erik Demeulemeester won 6th National St.Vincent with Deprez sort and Scheirlinck Francine won in 2022 Barcelona 238p ( 2-3-… ) and Agen 154p ( 4-6-8-… ) with a colony built with the best of Eric Deprez.

It gives him great pleasure that his pigeons are doing well elsewhere and also gets satisfaction from this.

We would like to congratulate Eric on this unique performance from the entire HERBOTS TEAM. Buelens kim


資料來源:HERBOTS 網頁

鴿舍連絡人:黃慶勳 電話:0922-591.037 03-8562.665 FAX:03-8576.779